Take the Time. Every Time.
Graphic image of crop sprayer in field near powerlines under "Take the Time. Every Time." header

Public contacts (people hitting electrical equipment) caused over 134 hours of power outages for Sioux Valley Energy members during the month of May. The public contacts range from farmers hitting poles and transformers with equipment to contractors digging into underground power lines. 

“There can be dangerous consequences to hitting electrical equipment. We have to take the time, every time. Meaning, we have to take the time to know where overhead electrical lines and transformers are and take the time to call 811 before we dig. Those things need to happen every single time we move equipment or plan to dig,” said Sioux Valley Energy Safety Manager, Terry Ebright. 

The electric system is designed and built to be safe and efficient, providing power to homes and businesses but when contact is made by a member of the public, it can be dangerous. Ebright says people should know what to do if they do hit a piece of electrical equipment.

“If you hit an electric line, you always need to assume it’s still energized. Stay put unless the vehicle is on fire and call 911. If you have to get out of your vehicle because of a fire, tuck your arms across your body and jump with your feet together as far as possible from the equipment so no part of your body touches the vehicle and the ground at the same time. Move away from the vehicle with your feet together, either by hopping or shuffling, until you are at least 40 feet away.”
Sioux Valley Energy reminds homeowners, farmers, and contractors to take the time; every time to ensure safe working conditions around electrical facilities. 

Sioux Valley Energy, a Touchstone Energy® Cooperative, is a member-owned electric utility, providing reliable electric service at cost-based rates to nearly 30,000 homes, farms, businesses, and industries in a seven-county area of east-central South Dakota and western Minnesota.