Residential Service
Single-phase at available secondary voltages. |
Basic Service:
Energy Charge: $0.11250 per KWH used |
Available to residential customers in towns, suburban areas and other platted congested areas wherein six or more lots are receiving service from the Cooperative, subject to the established rules and regulations of the Cooperative.
Customers under this schedule that are furnished area lighting by the Cooperative, not covered under a street lighting agreement, shall pay a fee of $3.25 per month, which shall be added to the Facility Charge for a total of $23.25. Under separate agreement, special lighting packages have been installed for some residential areas that carry a higher monthly charge for area lighting. In these cases, the fees and terms of the agreement shall prevail.
Delivery Point Service is furnished at secondary voltages, where the delivery point shall be the metering point, unless otherwise specified in the contract for service. All wiring, poles, lines and other electric equipment on the load side of the delivery point shall be owned and maintained by the Customer.
If the Cooperative's average cost of wholesale power for the 12 months following the effective date of this rate shall vary more than 0.5 of a mill from the previously forecasted average wholesale power cost, a corresponding increase, or decrease, may be applied to the rates hereunder.
Annual bills determined by the application of the above rates shall have added to them applicable state and municipal sales taxes and any other non ad valorem taxes imposed on electric energy sales and earnings.
The billing dates and collection policies applicable to this rate schedule are contained in the Cooperative’s policy manual. A copy is available upon request.
Residential Service: Rural
Single-phase, or three-phase, at available secondary voltages. |
Basic Service:
Energy Charge: $0.11250 per KWH used |
Available to farm and rural residential customers with up to a 125 required KVA capacity for uses that are agriculture production related or for rural residences. All uses subject to established rules and regulations of the Cooperative.
Delivery Point Service is furnished at secondary voltages, where the delivery point shall be the metering point, unless otherwise specified in the contract for service. All wiring, poles, lines and other electric equipment on the load side of the delivery point shall be owned and maintained by the Customer
The required KVA shall be determined by the customer’s actual capacity requirements considering maximum KW demand and power factor. In the case of a single customer receiving service from a transformer installation, standard transformer sizes will be assumed. In the case of shared transformer installations, the standard transformer sizes will be prorated based on the actual capacity requirements of each customer using the transformer installation. When the customer insists on a transformer capacity in excess of the required KVA, the requested and actual installed KVA shall be used to calculate the facility charge.
If the Cooperative's average cost of wholesale power for the 12 months following the effective date of this rate shall vary more than 0.5 of a mill from the previously forecasted average wholesale power cost, a corresponding increase, or decrease, may be applied to the rates hereunder.
Monthly bills determined by the application of the above rates shall have added to them applicable state and municipal sales taxes and any other non ad valorem taxes imposed on electric energy sales and earnings.
The billing dates and collection policies applicable to this rate schedule are contained in the Cooperative’s policy manual. A copy is available upon request
General Service
Single-phase, or three phase, at available secondary voltages. |
Basic Service:
Energy Charge: $0.11250 per KWH used |
Available to commercial and industrial customers, schools, churches and community halls not exceeding 50 KW demand, for all uses, subject to established rules and regulations of the Cooperative. Combination commercial and residential accounts where the commercial load requires 10 KVA of transformer capacity, or less, the Cooperative at its discretion may provide service through one meter and classify the account under the appropriate residential rate schedule.
Customers under this schedule that are furnished area lighting by the Cooperative, not covered under a street lighting agreement, shall pay a fee of $3.25 per month, which shall be added to the Facility Charge. Under separate agreement, special lighting packages have been installed for some areas that carry a higher monthly charge for area lighting. In these cases, the fees and terms of the agreement shall prevail.
Delivery Point Service is furnished at secondary voltages, where the delivery point shall be the metering point, unless otherwise specified in the contract for service. All wiring, poles, lines and other electric equipment on the load side of the delivery point shall be owned and maintained by the Customer.
The demand shall be the maximum kilowatt demand established by the customer for any interval of 30 consecutive minutes during the billing period as determined by a demand meter or otherwise, and adjusted for power factor.
If the Cooperative's average cost of wholesale power for the 12 months following the effective date of this rate shall vary more than 0.5 of a mill from the previously forecasted average wholesale power cost, a corresponding increase, or decrease, may be applied to the rates hereunder.
Monthly bills determined by the application of the above rates shall have added to them applicable state and municipal sales taxes and any other non ad valorem taxes imposed on electric energy sales and earnings.
The billing dates and collection policies applicable to this rate schedule are contained in the Cooperative's policy manual. A copy is available upon request.
Large Power
Single-phase, or three-phase, at available secondary voltages. |
Facility Charge: $1.50 per required KVA transformer capacity per month Energy Charge: $0.04110 per KWH used. Demand Charge: $17.50 per KW billing demand per month |
Available to commercial and industrial customers, schools, churches and community halls averaging 50 KW demand or greater in a 12-month calendar period or exceeding 75 KW demand two monthly times in a 12-month calendar period. All uses subject to established rules and regulations of the Cooperative.
Available to farm and rural residential customers with a required KVA capacity greater than 125 for uses that are agriculture production related.
Customers under this schedule that are furnished area lighting by the Cooperative, not covered under a street lighting agreement, shall pay a fee of $3.25 per month, which shall be added to the Facility Charge. Under separate agreement, special lighting packages have been installed for some areas that carry a higher monthly charge for area lighting. In these cases, the fees and terms of the agreement shall prevail.
The required KVA shall be determined by the customer’s actual capacity requirements considering maximum KW demand and power factor. In the case of a single customer receiving service from a transformer installation, standard transformer sizes will be assumed. In the case of shared transformer installations, the standard transformer sizes will be prorated based on the actual capacity requirements of each customer using the transformer installation. When the customer insists on a transformer capacity in excess of the required KVA, the requested and actual installed KVA shall be used to calculate the facility charge. In the case of customer owned transformer the facility charge will be reduced to $0.58 per required KVA transformer capacity per month.
The billing demand shall be the maximum kilowatt demand established by the customer for any interval of 30 consecutive minutes during the billing period as determined by a demand meter or otherwise, and adjusted for power factor.
Delivery Point If service is furnished at secondary voltage, the delivery point shall be the metering point, unless otherwise specified in the contract for service. All wiring, poles, lines and other electric equipment on the load side of the delivery point shall be owned and maintained by the customer. If service is furnished at the Cooperative's primary line voltage, the delivery point shall be the point of attachment of the Cooperative's primary line to the Customer's transformer structure, unless otherwise specified in the contract of service. All wiring, poles, lines and other electric equipment (except metering equipment) on the load side to the delivery point shall be owned and maintained by the Customer.
If service is furnished at primary distribution voltage, a discount of $.0005 (0.5 mills) per KWH shall apply to the monthly energy charges. The Cooperative shall have the option of metering at secondary voltage and adding the estimated transformer losses to the metered kilowatt-hours and kilowatt demand.
If the Cooperative's average cost of wholesale power for the 12 months following the effective date of this rate shall vary more than 0.5 of a mill from the previously forecasted average wholesale power cost, a corresponding increase, or decrease, may be applied to the rates hereunder.
Monthly bills determined by the application of the above rates shall have added to them applicable state and municipal sales taxes and any other non ad valorem taxes imposed on electric energy sales and earnings.
The billing dates and collection policies applicable to this rate schedule are contained in the Cooperative's policy manual. A copy is available upon request.
Time of Use: Rural Residential
Single-phase, or three-phase, at available secondary voltages. |
Basic Service: Single Phase: $65.00 Three-Phase: $120.00 Energy Charge: All On-Peak kWh @ $0.17010 per KWH used |
Available to farm and rural residential customers with up to a 125 required KVA capacity for uses that are agriculture production related or for rural residences. All uses subject to established rules and regulations of the Cooperative.
This rate is an optional rate to farm and rural residential customers. Customers have the option of canceling service under this rate plan and electing to go back on the regular Farm and Rural Residential Rate at any time. Customers may not subsequently elect service under this rate plan for at least one year after the effective date of cancellation. This schedule may be modified or discontinued by the Cooperative at any time after giving the customer a sixty day written notice.
The On-Peak Energy shall be all kilowatt-hours used by the customer during the on-peak hours: 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. (7 days per week) The Off-Peak Energy shall be all kilowatt- hours used by the customer during all hours other than those described above.
Delivery Point
Service is furnished at secondary voltages, where the delivery point shall be the metering point, unless otherwise specified in the contract for service. All wiring, poles, lines and other electric equipment on the load side of the delivery point shall be owned and maintained by the Customer
The required KVA shall be determined by the customer’s actual capacity requirements considering maximum KW demand and power factor. In the case of a single customer receiving service from a transformer installation, standard transformer sizes will be assumed. In the case of shared transformer installations, the standard transformer sizes will be prorated based on the actual capacity requirements of each customer using the transformer installation. When the customer insists on a transformer capacity in excess of the required KVA, the requested and actual installed KVA shall be used to calculate the facility charge.
If the Cooperative's average cost of wholesale power for the 12 months following the effective date of this rate shall vary more than 0.5 of a mill from the previously forecasted average wholesale power cost, a corresponding increase, or decrease, may be applied to the rates hereunder.
Monthly bills determined by the application of the above rates shall have added to them applicable state and municipal sales taxes and any other non ad valorem taxes imposed on electric energy sales and earnings.
The billing dates and collection policies applicable to this rate schedule are contained in the Cooperative’s policy manual. A copy is available upon request.
Time of Use: Residential
Single-phase at available secondary voltages. |
Basic Service: $30.00 Energy Charge: All On-Peak kWh @ $0.17010 per KWH used
Available to residential customers in towns, suburban areas and other platted congested areas wherein six or more lots are receiving service from the Cooperative, subject to the established rules and regulations of the Cooperative. This rate is not available to those customers who have on-site generation.
This rate is an optional rate to residential customers. Customers have the option of canceling service under this rate plan and electing to go back on the regular Residential Rate at any time. Customers may not subsequently elect service under this rate plan for at least one year after the effective date of cancellation. This schedule may be modified or discontinued by the Cooperative at any time after giving the customer a sixty day written notice.
Customers under this schedule that are furnished area lighting by the Cooperative, not covered under a street lighting agreement, shall pay a fee of $3.25 per month, which shall be added to the Facility Charge for a total of $23.25. Under separate agreement, special lighting packages have been installed for some residential areas that carry a higher monthly charge for area lighting. In these cases, the fees and terms of the agreement shall prevail.
The On-Peak Energy shall be all kilowatt-hours used by the customer during the on-peak hours: 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. (7 days per week) The Off-Peak Energy shall be all kilowatt- hours used by the customer during all hours other than those described above.
Delivery Point Service is furnished at secondary voltages, where the delivery point shall be the metering point, unless otherwise specified in the contract for service. All wiring, poles, lines and other electric equipment on the load side of the delivery point shall be owned and maintained by the Customer.
If the Cooperative's average cost of wholesale power for the 12 months following the effective date of this rate shall vary more than 0.5 of a mill from the previously forecasted average wholesale power cost, a corresponding increase, or decrease, may be applied to the rates hereunder.
Annual bills determined by the application of the above rates shall have added to them applicable state and municipal sales taxes and any other non ad valorem taxes imposed on electric energy sales and earnings.
The billing dates and collection policies applicable to this rate schedule are contained in the Cooperative’s policy manual. A copy is available upon request.
Rates listed above effective January 1, 2025.
Each year the Sioux Valley Energy Board of Directors approves a rate schedule for various rate classes.
Download a PDF copy of the full rate schedules below.