History of Sioux Valley Energy

Sioux Valley Energy’s history goes back to 1938.

First line-pole

Line construction continued...

Sioux Valley Provides Service to the Community

Sioux Valley Electric Association, Inc.

Sioux Valley-Southwestern Electric Cooperative, Inc.

Sioux Valley Energy

Operation Round Up

Solar Array Project
Sioux Valley Energy was one of 12 participating cooperatives that purchased and acquired a portion of Alliant Energy’s Minnesota service territory in 2015. The 12 co-ops joined together to create the Southern Minnesota Energy Cooperative (SMEC) to serve as the single point of contact for the purchase. Sioux Valley added nearly 900 new members with the acquisition. SMEC received state regulatory approval to acquire Alliant Energy’s Minnesota electric service territory in a verbal decision on Thursday, April 30, 2015, by the Minnesota Public Utility Commission (MPUC).
Also in 2015, a new service center was constructed in Pipestone, Minnesota replacing the old facility which was built by employees in 1945. The old facility was demolished, and a new building, warehouse and pole yard were constructed in its place. An open house for members to tour the new facility was held during the summer of 2015.

Sioux Valley Wireless

EmPOWER Scholarship Program