Sioux Valley Energy has an entire suite of Beneficial Electrification programs and services for its members. Check out our Solutions Catalog to learn more or click on the links below!
Rebate programs are valid through the end of each year. Rebate dollars are limited and are issued on a first come-first served basis. Programs are subject to change or end without notice.
Please contact our Energy Services Specialist for more information at 1-800-234-1960 or via email at
Purchase the last water heater you will ever need to buy for your home! Sioux Valley Energy sells Marathon water heaters in 85 and 100-gallon options. Lifetime-tank/6-year parts warranty for the original purchaser with participation in the load management program. (Rental and corporate applications along with secondary homeowners have a limited warranty.) $600 plus applicable tax. Members with accounts/homes requiring multiple water heaters can purchase the primary unit for $600 and additional units for $1,200. Warranty and repair services are provided by SVE (does not include installation of the water heater or wiring).
- 85 gallon - 28 ¼ “x 70 ¼”
- 100 gallon - 30 ¼“ x 70 ¾“
Water heaters are in stock at SVE Service Centers -- Colman, Brandon, Hartford, Pipestone. Call ahead to place your order at 800-234-1960. Water heater must be paid for at the time of purchase. Pick up times are 7:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. Monday through Friday. A trailer or pickup truck (with bed free of debris/5th wheel hitch removed) is required for loading. Water heaters are packaged in a box and can be laid down.
All large capacity water heaters are received at SVE with only one element enabled for use. The unit will operate at a reduced capacity (approximately 50 gallons) until SVE personnel enable the second heating element after installing or maintaining load management equipment at your home. Contact SVE to schedule an appointment when the water heater is installed and fully operational.
If you are in the market for an electric vehicle (EV), Sioux Valley Energy offers an EV rebate and special off-peak charging rate options, which can make owning an electric vehicle (EV) a smart transportation choice. Environmentally friendly with no tailpipe emissions and virtually maintenance free – no oil changes, belts, air filters, spark plugs etc. Charge up conveniently at your home with clean, American-made electricity. EV range, depending on make and model, can be 80 to over 300 miles on a full charge to handle most daily commutes quite easily. Electric motors provide quiet, smooth operation and their power and quick acceleration make them fun to drive. Check out our EV resource tool to learn more about EVs, calculate commute savings, search EV models, and to locate public charging stations. Use SmartHub to manage and review your usage.
Rate Options to Take Advantage of Off-Peak Reduced Rates
- Time of Use Rate (TOU): Whole home usage including EV charging
- Vehicle Plug-In Rate: EV charging usage only (must allow submeter installation and be Level 2, 240 volt)

EV Rebates and Incentives
Rebate for new EV purchase (With participation in one of the off-peak rate options listed above). Click on the links below to fill out the rebate forms online.
- Electric Vehicle Purchase Rebate - $500 for battery electric vehicle (BEV) or $250 for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV).
- EV Ready New Home Construction Rebate - $300 for a new home that at a minimum has 1-inch conduit installed from the breaker panel to the garage to provide a means for future EV charger installation. If preferred location for a receptacle is known, installation of a 40-amp (minimum) branch circuit and NEMA 14-50 receptacle is also acceptable.
- Commercial Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger Rebate/Rate Program - Contact SVE to discuss a rebate and rate program that will fit the needs of your business for public, employee, or fleet EV charging.
Call our Energy Services Department at 800-234-1960 for more information. (Rates are subject to change)
To find specific federal tax credit amounts for individual vehicles, visit
For a list of available EV makes and model (BEV and PHEV), visit
The Time of Use Rate was developed for members who are seeking opportunities to directly impact their electric bill through their conservation efforts and daily usage habits. It’s also a great way to take advantage of smart home automation and electric vehicle technology. Rearranging tasks and conserving energy to take advantage of reduced off-peak rates is good for both the member and the utility – we both save money! Contact Sioux Valley Energy’s Member Services Department to sign up for a three-month risk-free trial period to get acclimated to the new rate structure without the concern of paying a higher amount than the regular rate program. Use SmartHub to manage and review your usage habits.
- • Pay 6.62 cents/kWh off-peak rate (10 a.m.-4 p.m. and 9 p.m.-7a.m.)
• Pay 17.01 cents/kWh on-peak rate (7-10 a.m. and 4-9 p.m.)
• Members with electric heat rate remain on the reduced heat rate program
- Regular Residential Rate: Pay 11.25 cents/kWh any time of the day
(Rates as of January 1, 2025; Rates are subject to change)
Download a .PDF explaining the Time of Use Rate here.
Energy Audits:
An energy audit is a great tool to help you determine the location of energy leaks in your home and prioritize efficiency upgrades. Sealing and insulating the home’s envelope is a cost-effective way to improve efficiency and comfort.
Contact SVE to schedule a third-party certified energy audit for a $100 fee. It includes use of infrared camera imaging and blower door testing. Participants will receive an audit report. Homes newly constructed within five years are not eligible for the energy audit program.
Weatherization Loans:
- Loans up to $15,000, 5% interest with a seven-year term are available to assist qualifying members in purchasing heat pump equipment and weatherization products.
Call our Energy Services Department at 800-234-1960 for more information.
Federal tax incentives may also be available for weatherization products.
Heating and cooling use the largest chunk of your home energy dollars. When you choose electric, you know it’s clean, reliable, safe – and it can also be very energy efficient. It’s tough to beat the efficiency of an electric heat pump that not only cools your home in the summer, but also heats it in the winter.

Heat pumps – geothermal or air-to-air systems including ductless solutions – are designed to be used in any home whether it’s new construction, a renovation project or replacing existing equipment. Sioux Valley Energy offers rebates and special electric heat rates to make choosing electric a great value.
Air-to-Air Heat Pump Rebates (2 ton and larger)
- With Electric Back-up Furnace: $1,200
- With Non-Electric Back-up Furnace: $600
Learn more about how Air to Air Heat Pumps work HERE.
Geothermal Heat Pump Rebates (2 ton and larger)
- $1,200
Learn more about how Geothermal Heat Pumps work HERE.
Ductless Air-Source Heat Pump Rebates (2 ton and larger)
- Rebate of $300 per structure
Electric Heat Rate
- Reduced rate of 6.85 cents/kWh (compared to regular rate 11.25 cents/kWh)
- Available October – April billing cycles
- Sub-meter installation required – Free installation for heat pumps 2 ton and larger or electric resistance heat (minimum of 8 kW). A one-time submeter fee of $300 fee is charged for installation outside of those kW parameters or if a second submeter is required at a structure. If we pre-wire new construction and an electric heat system is not installed, the owners will be charged a $300 fee.
*Rebate eligibility once every 10 years per account. Rebates cannot exceed the cost of the equipment. Rates are subject to change.
Electric Heat Pump Loans
Loans up to $15,000, 5% interest with a seven-year term are available to assist qualifying members in purchasing heat pump equipment and weatherization products.
How to Apply for a Heat Pump Rebate
- Contact our Energy Services Department at 800-234-1960.
- Submit a copy of your invoice with heat pump make, model, and verification of the backup system with the online rebate request form or contact Energy Services at 800-234-1960 for other submission options.
- SVE personnel will install a submeter for new electric heat installation or will check an existing submeter to ensure all eligible electric heating equipment is connected to the submeter for the reduced electric heat rate.
- Rebate eligibility is once every 10 years per account. Heat pump equipment must be a minimum of two (2) ton to qualify.
How to Use the Chart
Find the chart of the electric heat you're considering i.e. air-to-air heat pump; geothermal (ground source) heat pump or electric resistance heat.
Find the kWh price for electricity and compare it to prices for propane or natural gas on the same line.
For example, geothermal systems, with electricity at 6.85 cents/kWh is equal to propane (in a 96% efficient furnace) at 68 cents/gallon. If propane costs more than the price listed, it's a more expensive form of heat.
Additional Resources
Federal tax incentives of 30% are available for new construction or replacement geothermal heat pumps. Incentives of 30% up to $2,000 are available for Energy Star(R) rated air-source heat pump equipment purchased and installed in an existing home (not available for new construction projects. Talk to your HVAC contractor or visit and your tax professional for more information related to the tax incentives. SVE does not require any heat pump minimum efficiency standards to qualify for its rebate program.
Residential Heat Pump Registration Form
Electric Heat Rate
• Reduced rate of 6.85 cents/kWh (compared to regular rate 11.25 cents/kWh)
• Available October – April billing cycles
• Sub-meter installation required – Free installation for heat pumps 2 ton and larger or electric resistance heat (minimum of 8 kW). A one-time submeter fee of $300 fee is charged for installation outside of those kW parameters or if a second submeter is required at a structure.
Call our Energy Services Department at 800-234-1960 for more information.
- EV Ready New Home Construction Rebate - $300 for a new home that at a minimum has 1-inch conduit installed from the breaker panel to the garage to provide a means for future EV charger installation. If preferred location for a receptacle is known, installation of a 40-amp (minimum) branch circuit and NEMA 14-50 receptacle is also acceptable.
- Must submit picture of the conduit or NEMA 14-50 receptacle.
- Each account is eligible for one rebate.
- Submit the completed rebate form by December 31, 2025.
- Contact Energy Services at 800-234-1960 for program questions.
Loans up to $15,000, at 5% interest with a seven-year term are available to assist qualifying members in purchasing heat pump equipment or weatherization products.
To qualify for a Weatherization Loan:
- Loans are available only for home improvement products and installation costs. Applicable weatherization products can include windows, doors, insulation, and other air sealing products such as caulk and weatherstripping.
- Complete the loan application form. The application must be approved to be eligible for the loan program. Funds will be issued in the amount of approved submitted invoices.
To qualify for a Heat Pump Loan:
- An air-to-air or geothermal heat pump must be installed. An electric resistance furnace installed as backup heat for the heat pump can also be included with the heat pump loan, but loans are not available for straight electric resistance heating equipment. Installation costs can also be included. Costs associated with propane and natural gas backup furnaces are not eligible as part of the loan.
- Complete the loan application form. The application must be approved to be eligible for the loan program. Funds will be issued upon project completion in the amount of approved submitted invoices. Inspection and submetering work for the electric heat rate will be provided by Sioux Valley Energy personnel.
*Rates and programs are subject to change or end without notice.
Call our Energy Services Department at 800-234-1960 for more information.
Sioux Valley Energy Irrigation Load Management Program
All controlled irrigation systems are connected to a load management program—either by a traditional control installed by Sioux Valley Energy (SVE) or part of a third-party remote managed irrigation system such as AgSense, FieldWise, FieldNet etc. Irrigation systems may be controlled during any billing period (April – October). Time of occurrence, duration and magnitude of the power supplier’s system peak will determine the duration of control.
You can save $12.25 per kW when you choose to have your irrigation system controlled. If you select the traditional load control program, SVE will install and maintain the load management device. If you participate with a third-party remote managed irrigation system, your provider will manage the load management shedding capabilities.
Reduced Demand Charge for Irrigation Systems Placed on Load Management
Full Service/No Control: $23.50 per metered kW per month
Load Control: $11.25 per metered kW per month
Third-Party Remote Managed Irrigation Rebate
A $750 rebate is available per device for a third-party remote managed irrigation system if it meets the following requirements: the new system eliminates the need for a SVE traditional load control; has the ability to ingest automated notice from the power supplier to shed and restore via email, text, or voice; provides less than a 15-minute latency from the power supplier to load shed/retore; and the third-party agency provides SVE notice of customer bypass. Members must agree to participate in the third-party remote managed irrigation program for a minimum of 5 years. Equipment such as AgSense, FieldWise, FieldNet, etc., are examples are applicable third-party providers. SVE is not responsible for missed control periods when control is serviced and maintained by a third-party. Contact Energy Services at 800-234-1960 for more information on the third-party remoted managed irrigation program and rebate.
Complete the Rebate Online Click HERE to download the Rebate Application
What if I Need to Pump During Peak Periods?
Members connected to SVE’s traditional load control equipment can disable the device by cutting the seal in order to pump during peak periods. When this occurs, the demand charge shall be computed at the full-service rate until the load control is resealed. Make sure to call SVE at 800-234-1960 to notify the Cooperative that the load control device has been deactivated and if/when you would like the device to be resealed. A $60.00 fee will apply to reseal a bypassed control. If a member does not notify the Cooperative of a bypassed control, a $120.00 fee will apply regardless if the member chooses to have the Cooperative reseal or remove the control. SVE will not reactivate a disabled load control device unless specifically requested by the member.
Members with third-party remote managed irrigation systems can simply choose to override the notification of a control time. When this occurs, the demand charge shall be computed at the full-service rate for that applicable billing cycle. A report of bypass will be sent from the third-party provider.
Available for heat pump and electric resistance heating equipment in agricultural, commercial and multi-family facilities.
• Heat Pumps: $100/ton up to 150 ton (2 ton minimum)
• Electric Resistance: $10 per kW up to 600 kW (8 kW minimum required)
Electric Heat Rate:
• Reduced rate of 6.85 cents/kWh (compared to regular rate 11.25 cents/kWh)
• Available October – April billing cycles
• Sub-meter installation required
• Free installation for heat pumps 2 ton and larger or electric resistance heat 8 kW and larger. For equipment outside of those parameters, or when a second submeter is required in a structure, a $300 one-time fee will be charged.
• Fees apply for sub-metering three-phase equipment
• Electric heat rate is not available for large power accounts. Tenants in all-electric heated apartments can receive a reduced rate in lieu of sub-metering. We no longer sub-meter apartment complexes.
How to apply for rebate:
- Contact our energy services department at 800-234-1960.
- Submit a copy of your invoice with verification and tonnage/kW of heat pump or electric resistance equipment installed.
- SVE personnel will install a submeter for a new electric heat installation or will check an existing one for replacement equipment to ensure all eligible electric heating equipment is connected to the submeter for the reduced electric heat rate. Electric heat rate is not available to large power accounts. Free submeter installation for heat pumps 2 ton and larger or electric resistance heat over 8 kW or a $300 one-time is charged.
Commercial members can be reimbursed up to $1,000 for a third-party commercial energy audit to inspect a facility, calculate equipment efficiency/paybacks, or towards a technical report/analysis such as what is required with a USDA REAP grant. Please contact Energy Services at 800-234-1960 for more information.
Rebates are offered for businesses within Sioux Valley Energy's service territory that promote the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles by installing charging infrastructure for electric vehicles by installing equipment for the general public, workplace, multi-family complexes, or fleet applications.
Specific Rules and Qualifications:
- Installation must be complete before funds are issued.
- Members must submit a copy of the project invoice and completed rebate application. Rebates are available for both purchased and leased (5-year minimum term) equipment.
- Level 2 Single Plug EV Charger Rebate: $500 per single-plug charger, or $1,000 for a Dual Plug EV Charger. Minimum of 7.7 kW charging capacity, including wall mountable and pedestal chargers (NEMA 14-50 and 120 V outlets do not qualify.)
- Level 3 charging equipment rebate for equipment 50 kW or larger: $2,500.
- Lifetime member maximum of $5,000. Rebates are issued on a first-come, first-served basis and are subject to availability.
- Enrollment in an EV rate program is required. Lifetime member maximum cap of $5,000 for the program. Rebates are available on a first-come, first-served basis and are subject to change. Contact Energy Services for more details on rate information at 800-234-1960.
Commercial EV Charger Rebate
Additional incentives for residential and business applications may be available at the Federal level as part of the Inflation Reduction Act and Clean Energy Tax Credits including heat pumps, renewable energy and weatherization improvements.
Federal Income Tax Credits and Incentives for Energy Efficiency
Generators can give you peace of mind for Mother Nature’s temperament. An interlock kit with a generator inlet box can generally be installed by SVE electricians for around $600. This is the most practical way to ready your home for the connection of a portable generator. No more cords running from the generator throughout the house. A permanently installed stand-by generator paired with an automatic transfer switch comes on automatically—whether you are home or away—all within seconds of a power outage. There’s a higher investment to install this system, but it takes all the work and worry out of dealing with a power interruption.
SVE no longer sells generators.
Portable Generator Safety
- Operate the generator in a clean, dry, well ventilated area. Operate in an open area—never in an enclosed, confined structure such as a garage or basement. Breathing in the carbon monoxide exhaust fumes can cause serious injury or death and improper ventilation can lead to ignition of materials. Keep a fire extinguisher nearby.
- Don’t overload the generator—know the rated capacity. Don’t tamper with factory engine speed settings. Read the manufacturer’s instructions for safe operation.
- Turn off all equipment powered by a generator before shutting it down. Never fuel a generator while it is operating.
- If your home has not been wired by a licensed electrician to have an interlock kit, don’t try to connect a generator directly to your home’s electrical system. In these applications, use heavy-duty, outdoor-rated three-pronged grounded extension cords and plug appliances directly into generators. Contact SVE if you would like us to install an interlock kit.