Call 800-234-1960 or use SmartHub App To Report An Outage

Sioux Valley Energy will often get the question, "Now that I have this new meter, do I need to call and report an outage?" The answer is yes, at least one member needs to report the outage and then our system will begin to check all the surrounding meters to see how wide-spread the outage is but we still need at least one member to call in. 

Sioux Valley Energy has 24/7 dispatch services, which means we have Sioux Valley Energy employees monitoring the system and taking calls around the clock, every day. When the call volume gets too high because of a wide-spread outage, we have an automated phone system that will take your information. Just follow the steps as indicated on that automated call and the outage will be reported to our dispatch center.

You can also report an outage through SmartHub.

Click to view the Outage map