In today’s digital world, consumers must always be on alert to protect their personal information. Slam the Scam Day is Thursday, March 6, 2025, as part of National Consumer Protection Week, which takes place the first full week of March this year.
Unfortunately, scammers have targeted Sioux Valley Energy members with their tricks. Member Services Supervisor Toni Kruger says one of the top scams the Co-op hears about is when the scammer threatens immediate disconnection of power if payment is not made over the phone. Occasionally, scammers will disguise the caller ID, or spoof it, using the Sioux Valley Energy name to make members think the call is coming from the Co-op. When it comes to payment scams, people will often be asked to use prepaid debit cards or scan codes they are sent via text.
Any phone calls, texts, or emails using the above methods should be cause for you to pause before proceeding. Kruger says to go with your instinct.
“If it doesn't feel right, it probably isn't right,” Kruger said.
Sioux Valley Energy has a variety of ways to pay your electric bill. With SmartHub, members can pay bills, view usage and billing history, and contact their cooperative. Log in or sign up here:
Members can find all other payment methods here: This includes an automated phone payment option by calling 855-939-3536.
While scammers will often threaten to immediately disconnect your power with no advance warning, the Co-op provides significant notice to members who have a late or delinquent payment. Kruger says members would typically see at least two notices on billing statements, in either paper form or online. If payment isn’t made after that time, the member would receive a disconnect notice, giving them a date for disconnection and an amount that's needed prior to that date. If a member is scheduled for disconnection due to non-payment, they'd receive an email notification asking them to call the Sioux Valley Energy Member Services department. They'd also receive an automated phone call the day prior to a disconnect with a follow-up personal phone call from a Member Services Representative on the day of disconnect.
The easiest way to check the status of your account is through the SmartHub app. You can also call Sioux Valley Energy if you have questions about a phone call or email you receive. Call Member Services Department directly at (877) 511-8062 or the general, toll-free number at (800) 234-1960.
Working together and staying aware, we can slam the scam.