Program Offers $20,000 in Scholarships

Sioux Valley Energy is offering $20,000 worth of scholarships this year to eligible graduating high school seniors or first-time attendees at an institution of higher education.

Applications are judged on the basis of grades, ACT or SAT test scores, work experience, school activities, volunteer community service and an essay question. The scholarship committee that determines recipients includes two Operation Round Up Board Members, an SVE Board Member, two SVE employees and a school counselor or administrative staff member.  

The majority of the scholarship funding comes from Operation Round Up funds, with additional funds from Basin Electric Power Cooperative and L&O Power Cooperative.

Applications that are hand delivered must be in one of the SVE offices no later than 4:30 pm on Friday, January 12, 2024. Mailed applications must be postmarked by January 12, 2024.

To be eligible you must:

  • Be a graduating high school senior or first-time attendee at an institution of higher education
  • Plan to be a full-time student in an accredited college or vocational technical school this fall
  • Be a child or dependent of a Sioux Valley Energy member
  • Have a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA plus an ACT/SAT score for the four-year college/university scholarship or a 2.5 or higher GPA for the two-year technical college or power line school scholarship
  • Provide a written recommendation from a teacher, administrator or counselor
  • One winner per family/per year

Scholarship Applications