Make the SHIFT today and save!
Shift to Time of Use and Save image

NOTE: Find the current Residential Time of Use rate on the Programs and Rebate page under Energy Solutions.

Put the power in your hands by signing up for the Sioux Valley Energy Time of Use (TOU) electric rate.

You can SAVE big just by shifting your energy use to off-peak times. 

On-peak hours are: 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. (7 days per week). Off-peak kilowatt-hours (kWh) are all hours other than those described above. During off-peak hours, you pay a much lower kilowatt-hour charge.

How can you shift electric usage to off-peak hours? Here’s a few ideas:

  • Use appliances such as dishwashers, clothes washers, and dryers, during off-peak times.
  • Consider smart appliances. Some appliances can be programmed to run at a certain time, and be controlled remotely from your smartphone.
  • Use a wireless smart thermostat to control your home’s heating and cooling from anywhere. Pre-heat and pre-cool the home before on-peak hours, then adjust the temperature up or down (depending on the season) during on-peak hours.
  • If you own a plug-in electric vehicle, schedule charging to take place during off-peak hours.
  • Install automatic timers on equipment such as water heaters, circulating pumps, or pool pumps.
  • Practice conservation by turning off unnecessary lights and electronics.
  • When replacing appliances, purchase ENERGY STAR® models.

Ready to Give TOU a Try?

There is no risk to you!

SVE offers a three-month risk-free trial to help members get used to scheduling tasks and conserving energy.

Ready to start $aving?

Give us a call to learn more 877-511-8062

Monitor Your Usage with SmartHub

SmartHub is a great tool to analyze usage by viewing your data day-by-day in half-hour increments. You can also review and pay your bill, receive outage notifications, report service issues and so much more.

Sign up for SmartHub to manage your account and view usage data on your computer or with your mobile device.

Visit our website or download the app for your smart phone from the Apple Store or Android Market.