District Meetings Begin Feb. 22 in Madison
District meeting schedule

Come and learn about what is happening at your Cooperative!

The 2024 District Meetings kick off Feb. 22 as District 4 members gather at the Dakota Prairie Playhouse for their meeting, complete with a complimentary meal of country-style BBQ ribs, cheesy hashbrowns, green beans, bun, and a cookie. The last District Meeting is set for March 26 in Luverne, Minnesota.

Note: The District 10 meeting in Edgerton, Minnesota, originally scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 29, will now be held Monday, April 1.

The District 1 meeting in Elkton, South Dakota, originally scheduled for Monday, March 25, has been postponed due to weather.

Notice: Bring the postcard that you received in the mail and turn it in to be eligible for the $25 bill credit. Cards will be collected at the end of each meeting and the credit will be applied on your next bill. One credit allowed per membership. You must attend the meeting to receive the credit.

Find out more about upcoming district meetings at https://www.siouxvalleyenergy.com/district-meetings

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