24 Hour Dispatch Center

Sioux Valley Energy's in-house dispatching service run 24 hours, seven days a week, 365 days a year. That means when you call in to report an electrical outage, you'll have the satisfaction of speaking to a friendly, courteous "real person." Occasionally, when a wide-spread storm disrupts service to hundreds or thousands of customers at the same time, your call may be answered by a computerized system. Our dispatchers are standing by to answer after-hour questions and can forward messages for more detailed questions to be answered the following business day.

Cable Locating

Call before you dig. Sioux Valley Energy contracts with Summit Utility Services to provide our members, contractors and other utilities with professional underground cable locating services. Call 811 to request an underground locate. Sioux Valley Energy receives the locate request via a web-based software program that allows our dispatchers to screen the tickets and send our locators to those requests where our facilities would be affected. This process assures customers that when our cable is in the area, it will be located accurately and within 48 hours.

House, Building or Equipment Move

Every year Sioux Valley Energy assists with safely moving houses through its service territory by making special arrangements for electrical services that may be in the way of the large structure. As per state law, SVE requires a 48-hour notice prior to each house move along with a deposit that can be made at one of our service centers or can be given to a line worker on site. Deposit amounts are based on the number of miles the house will be traveling and the loaded height of the house. Any additional costs will be billed following the move and any excess funds from the deposit will be refunded in the form of a check.

Yard Lights

Nothing is more comforting when coming home on a dark night than a yard light to show you the way. Members have the option of a 70 watt or 150 watt LED light. Rental options and price levels vary. For more information or to get your rental light installation scheduled, contact our dispatch center at 800-234-1960.

Stray Voltage

“Stray voltage” is the name sometimes given to the phenomena in which a relatively small voltage difference can exist between two points that an animal or person touches simultaneously. Only professional testing can absolutely identify stray voltage sources whether on or off a member’s property. Although a wide range of symptoms have been associated with stray voltage, those same symptoms are usually the result of non-electrical causes. Sioux Valley Energy has trained professionals to research and correct stray voltage issues. If you suspect you may have a stray voltage problem, contact our customer electrical services at 800-234-1960.

Tree Trimming

Sioux Valley Energy has an extensive right-of-way tree trimming and removal program. Tree trimming helps prevent and minimize power outages resulting from vegetation getting into electric lines. It also helps reduce potential safety hazards. Sioux Valley Energy line workers patrol the line annually and inspect for deficiencies that need to be repaired and concerns with trees in the right-of-way. Our tree trimming contractors are highly skilled arborist professionals that have experience in vegetation management. Our contractors attempt to make a personal contact with each Sioux Valley member either by phone, in person or by leaving a door-hanger prior to doing any work. If a door-hanger is left on your property and we don't hear back from you within 48 hours, our contractors will proceed to trim trees.


Sioux Valley Energy’s Customer Electrical Services Department offers unique wiring services such as fault locating and repair, pole setting and replacement, overhead wiring installations or upgrades, installation of Interlock kits for generators, and power quality or stray voltage concerns members may have. For more information, contact our Customer Electrical Services Department at 800-234-1960.


The engineering department regarding power up to the meter. Call 1-800-234-1960 Ext. 1650.

The wiring department or your electrician regarding power after the meter. Call 1-800-234-1960.


Contact the engineering department 6-8 weeks before work is to begin.